Shokkjump Dragsta (2 литника)

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The Shokkjump Dragsta combines two of the foremost triumphs of the Mekaniak?s art ? recklessly fast speedsters and deranged weaponry. It is perhaps unsurprising that it has become one of the most popular forms of transport amongst the Mekboyz of the Kult of Speed. You'll find your opponents learn to fear the Shokkjump Dragsta. Armed with deadly sawblades, rokkits and a kustom shokk rifle, it?s capable of shredding enemies to bits at almost any range, while its ability to teleport around the battlefield at random makes it incredibly difficult to predict ? or escape from!

Инструкция (Orks_Shokkjump_Dragsta.pdf, 3,891 Kb) [Скачать]

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